Melanoma: The Deadliest Form of Skin Cancer
Melanoma is distinct from other skin cancers and is usually a proliferation of pigmented cells. Although, melanoma can also originate in different parts of the mucosal tract including the head, neck, the GI tract, on the bottoms of the palms and the feet which usually doesn't occur in other types of skin cancers. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer because this type of cancer is most likely to spread to other organs. However, other types of skin cancers rarely spread from outside of the skin surface. The ability of melanoma to metastasize makes it the most deadly. In stage one, melanoma has a cure rate of about 95% so, if you catch it earlier, that is great. A thicker melanoma is something that is still in the skin nevertheless, it has not blown out to the lymph nodes or the rest of the body that still has a pretty high chance of cure of catching it early, somewhere in the range of 78 to 80 percent chance of cure. A stage three melanoma is when the melanoma has escaped...